This evocatively named circuit will take us almost to the sky when we climb the highest peak in Catalonia, the Pica d’Estats at 3,143 m, as well as other peaks such as Certascan or Roca Cigalera. Also the color that we see in the lakes is the reflection of the sky and gives them different shades of color, From the magnificent lake of Certascan which is the largest lake in the Pyrenees, our steps will take us to the lakes Blaus, Romedos, Sotllo, etc., evolved from a landscape where it will be difficult for us to decide which is the most charming. The circuit runs through a good part of the Alt Pirineu Natural Park and enters the French Ariège through the Parc naturel régional des Pyrénées Ariégeoises. It is a circular journey lasting 4 or 5 days aimed at experienced hikers, since the stages are long and the unevenness of the route is very important.
The House of the Brown Bear of the Pyrenees is an Interpretation Center dedicated to (...)
Ramat de Camins is a hiking route that follows in the footsteps of Camilo Jos (...)