• Escola d’Esquí de Llívia

    Baixa Cerdanya - Girona
  • Escola d’Esquí de Llívia

    Baixa Cerdanya - Girona
  • Escola d’Esquí de Llívia

    Baixa Cerdanya - Girona
  • Escola d’Esquí de Llívia

    Baixa Cerdanya - Girona
  • Escola d’Esquí de Llívia

    Baixa Cerdanya - Girona

Escola d’Esquí de Llívia

Company dedicated to the teaching of skiing in all its forms. There is also a rental of equipment for winter and summer sports and the rental of bikes and ebikes. We also have a receptive travel agency specializing in school groups, Viajes Tuiuiu. We work with more than 150 centers in Spain, Portugal and France. We are also part of the winery located in Llívia, the only winery that makes ice wine in Catalonia. We offer guided tours and a combination of mountain bike excursions and wine tasting.

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Experiences what offers

  • A l'hivern classes d'esquí tant a la Cerdanya Catalana com a la  Cerdanya Francesa.

    A l'hivern classes d'esquí tant a la Cerdanya Catalana com a la Cerdanya Francesa.

    Ski lessons are held in both the Catalan Cerdanya area and the French Cerdanya. The quality of the different ski resorts located in the area is sought. You have to work with this joint space to offer the maximum possible ski area.

    • Nature, Sport, Food and wine
    • Alt Empordà
    • Families, Young, Young
  • El lloguer de ebikes i bikes, amb la possibilitat del guiatge. I el celler Llivins, amb producció de vi en alçada i únic en produir el Vi de Gel. Es fan cates a la vinya.

    El lloguer de ebikes i bikes, amb la possibilitat del guiatge. I el celler Llivins, amb producció de vi en alçada i únic en produir el Vi de Gel. Es fan cates a la vinya.

    The rental of ebikes and bikes, with the possibility of guidance for both the Catalan and French Cerdanya. We also have the Llivins winery, with wine production in height and unique in producing Ice Wine. Tastings are made in the vineyard.

    • Nature, Sport, Food and wine
    • Alt Empordà
    • Young, Families, Couples

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