Turisme Garrotxa is a private non-profit association made up of representatives of the private and public tourism sector of La Garrotxa. Turisme Garrotxa works to improve the competitiveness of its members and members by offering information services, guidance, advice, training, promotion of the tourist offer, design of tourist products and marketing support. Turisme Garrotxa promotes, represents and coordinates, in a participatory way, a model of sustainable tourism development rooted in the territory, which combines respect for the environment with the needs and expectations of the entities, companies and municipalities that receive its services. All the town councils of La Garrotxa, the Garrotxa County Council, the Alta Garrotxa Consortium and the Garrotxa Volcanic Zone Natural Park are part of it. As for the private sector, Turisme Garrotxa has agreements signed with the Agrupació de Cases de Colònies de la Garrotxa, the Associació d’Hostalatge de la Garrotxa and the Associació d’Allotjaments Rurals de la Garrotxa. It also has collaboration agreements with the Vall d ‘en Bas Tourism and Trade Association, the Plaça Mercat d ‘ Olot Pleasures Association, the Associació de Comerciants d Olot and the Garrotxa Rural Tourism Association. Turisme Garrotxa provides a portfolio of basic services to all associated companies, and also has an extensive range of a la carte services, the most prominent of which is the Innovation and Product Service, aimed at marketing while improving the quality of companies through accreditation with the European Charter for Sustainable Tourism (CETS). The promotion of sustainable and quality tourism is the main objective of Turisme Garrotxa, which is already included in its statutes. Turisme Garrotxa has been successfully implementing the European Charter for Sustainable Tourism (CETS) since 2001, as a framework for all actions, encourages the dissemination of quality information, and since 2009 offers the application of the CETS to tourism companies.
Municipal tourist office. Face-to-face, telephone, mail service .... Tourist shop service (merchandising with articles related to (...)
Trescàlia is a travel, nature and hiking agency in La Garrotxa, doing what we (...)