• Vermeille Kayak de Mer

    Pyrénées-Orientales - Occitanie
  • Vermeille Kayak de Mer

    Pyrénées-Orientales - Occitanie
  • Vermeille Kayak de Mer

    Pyrénées-Orientales - Occitanie
  • Vermeille Kayak de Mer

    Pyrénées-Orientales - Occitanie

Vermeille Kayak de Mer

Base of Sea Kayak and Stand Up Paddle. We offer half-day and full-day rentals in the Cerbère-Banyuls Marine Reserve; rental for roaming with bivouac; supervised walks with half-day and full-day programs for families, individuals, groups, works councils and colonies. We also offer courses for all levels over 5 days, to discover the Côte Vermeille by sea kayaking. Finally, because the structure has the Atout-France tour operator approval, we offer Sea kayaking trips along the coast. Vermeille and the Costa Brava, in the Balearic Archipelago, in the Shetland Archipelago in Scotland as well as in Mexican Lower California (Sea of Cortez).

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